Jesus wept over Jerusalem, because he loved it, and knew that its end was near. But Jesus also knew that his church would grow to reach the ends of the…
Paul answers Corinthian questions about sex and marriage by telling them to stay as they are - single or married, not to abstain from sex within marriage or leave non-Christian…
Church discipline may sound a contradiction in terms. But True Love, committed to the good of our brother and sisters and to the glory of God, will endure the pain…
We may be anxious about the state of the world and the state of he church. Our aim in these sessions is to help us to recognise and articulate our…
To keep our love focussed on the one true God we need to write it on our hearts. constantly to teach ourselves in every way.
Jesus seems to antagonise his audience by his extraordinary claim to be the exclusive bread of heaven, and his offensive demand that we must eat his flesh and drink blood.…
Paul appeals to the Corinthians to recognise his apostolic authority, to receive his faithful ministry, and not to be repulsed by the rotten reviews.
The third in a series of hard questions. It is often claimed that the church has changed its mind on many things - such as slavery? Is that true, and…
The Lord provides his people's needs through his strange servants: bread for Elijah through unclean ravens and a Gentile Widow, his Word for us through his rough servant Elijah.
Secret Wisdom is attractive to us. But what is God's Secret Wisdom? Why is it a mystery, and how do we find the key to unlock it? Paul reminds us…