After the seven signs of Jesus described in the gospel of John, we see a variety of responses. Shall we reject him , like the authorities, acclaim him like the…
Jesus declares that he is the Good Shepherd, warns us that there are different sorts of bad shepherds, and calls his sheep to follow his voice and find eternal life.
Jesus argues fiercely with the Jews in the Temple. Though they resort to abuse and threats of violence, Jesus seeks to show them who he truely is and how he…
The Pharisees have a cunning charge against Jesus, but Jesus stays calm, and shows his compassion to the woman caught in adultery.
In the face of the horror of events in Israel and Gaza, we must learn how to overcome evil with good, by leaving vengeance to God, loving even our enemies,…
Paul advises us to stay as we are, whether married and single, and gives us his reasons. As a church we need to honour and support those who are single…
Paul answers Corinthian questions about sex and marriage by telling them to stay as they are - single or married, not to abstain from sex within marriage or leave non-Christian…
Paul calls the Corinthians to flee from sexual immorality, reminding them what they were, what they now are in Christ, and who they should be.
Church discipline may sound a contradiction in terms. But True Love, committed to the good of our brother and sisters and to the glory of God, will endure the pain…