God graciously wants to come and live among his people, so we must serve him gladly and give generously for his glory to be known in all the world.
Moses commands the people to serve gladly and give generously to build the tabernacle in which God's glory will dwell. We are now God's Temple, and we need to use…
The story of the Golden Calf reveals us to us the deep darkness in every human heart, the deadly danger of angering a Holy God, and the Difficulty that Moses…
God saves his people to become a Royal Priesthood. he calls them to obedience, holiness and into his presence with reverent fear.
The visit of Jethro the father-in-law of Moses shows us the importance of listening and watching before we speak.
Exodus 17 describes two battles at Rephidim- between Moses and the Israelites, and between the Israelites and the Amalekites. In both the glory goes to God, who graciously provides for…
On Easter Sunday the story of the crossing of the Red Sea sets a pattern fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus, showing us how God gets the glory by saving…
God graciously provides a costly sacrifice to protect from his judgement, those who show their trust in him by obeying his instructions.
The LORD performs signs and wonders in Egypt. We may ask, 'What really happened? Was it really God? The key question is how will we respond to the sign that…